
Name of Body Parts, Learn Body Parts – My Body Song

Name of Body Parts. Make easy to learn body parts for kids.

The trio sit around a table pretending to sip tea. They all have the same book before them. It’s set up like a kiddie book club. 


Neena: The book talks about the parts of a human body.

Tiger: I’ve always wondered how you walk on two legs….

Appu: It’s obvious! She’s human and, she’s made that way…

Tiger: I know, but I’m all curious now! Neena, what makes humans so different?

(Neena rises up with a warm smile)


Neena: Alright! Here we go!

(Breaks into a song set to Have You Seen The Muffin Man?)


Parts that make a special me, a special me, a special me

Oh! Do you know what parts make one very special me?




A hairy head,

Upon a neck,

Two eyes to see,

Two ears to hear,

A nose to smell,

A mouth to taste,

Make a very sweet face.



My little neck,

Upon my shoulders,

With two arms and two elbows,

Two palms and ten fingers,

On my tiny hands.



Below your hips,

Are two long legs,

With two strong knees,

And two small feet.

On those feet are ten little toes!

To run farthest of course!



Parts that make a special me, a special me, a special me

Oh! Now you know what parts make one very special me!



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