
Ropeway – Vehicle Rhyme

A ropeway or a cable car is fun any day! Think about the breathtaking views that you pass through– up in the air, looking down at the world– quite a view! Watch this song that tells you all about this automobile: where you’ll find it and where you can ride it!

Very high above the ground,

From cables I simply hang down.

Across mountains I find my way,

I’m the amazing ropeway!


I’m also known as a cable car,

And can take you very, very far.

Aerial tram too is my name,

From me there is much to gain!


Amidst snow and trees so very green,

In mountains I’m mostly seen.

I am found in big cities too,

Not in many, but a few!

Between my stations, to and fro,

All day long, on my rope I go.

In the rain, the snow or the sun,

On electricity I run!


My cabins are square or round,

Some can even go round and round.

Closed or open they may be,

And carry one, two or more than three!


I’m used to carry ore from mines,

Or tourists into woods of pine.

I slide over valleys, lakes and rivers,

But my ride can give you the shivers!

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