
Spaceship – Vehicle Rhyme

Spaceships carry large satellites, take pictures of the places far in the outer-space. There will be a day when they are made for all of us to go on outer-space expeditions! It’s only a matter of time! Watch this rhyme to know about this amazing invention! You’ll have no trouble remembering what it is meant for and what it’s fuelled by!

Far, far, far, so far away,

Into the space and the milky way,

To places so very unknown,

I fly with my crew or alone!


Spacecraft or spaceship is my name.

To roam the universe is my aim.

I’m flown by fearless astronauts,

Or by very smart robots!


A rocket lifts me up into the space,

Where I vanish without a trace.

Around the planets in circles I fly,

As comets and asteroids pass me by!


I am used to launch satellites,

And telescopes to see the wonderful sights.

To study the stars in the constellations,

And to improve communication!

Sometimes I remain in one place,

As a space station for astronauts in space.

I’ve helped man to land on the moon,

And wish to take you there very soon!

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