
Cantaloupe – Fruit Rhyme

Cantaloupe! The color, the delicate taste and smell fills you up with all the vitamin goodness. Crunch into them, drink their juice and lap up every bit. You’ll be mindblown by its potential! To know more, just listen to this song!

I’m a spherical fruit, but oblong sometimes,

I’m heavy so I grow on the ground on vines,

From my musky scent I get my name,

Eating me will never be in vain!


My skin is hard, rough, ribbed and thick,

It’s yellow or green and aromatic,

My orange-yellow pulp is juicy and sweet,

For the eyes and the mouth, it’s a treat!


In my center is a hollow cavity,

That’s filled with tiny seeds in plenty,

In chucking them, do not be hasty,

For they are nutritious and tasty!


For your breakfast have a fill of me,

I’ll hydrate you and make your skin glossy,

Have me as a smoothie or with cereals,

For all my flavonoids and minerals!


I’m loaded with Vitamin C and A,

So I keep many infections at bay,

I’m loved in salads or as a chilled soup,

Name me; I belong to the melon group!


You’re a muskmelon alias cantaloupe.



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