
Father’s Day Song

Father’s day is when we take an opportunity to thank that special person who is loving, caring and giving. He boosts up your morale. Here is a song that celebrates all that fathers are best known for.

Make your gifts,

Make it quick;

It’s fathers’ day!

Don’t make him wait.


Cakes, greetings,

Gifts wrapped in strings,

Make his favorite food,

And lift up his mood.



It’s time to appreciate;

It’s time to celebrate.

‘Cause fathers everywhere,

Pour their love and care.


Every June,

With a zoom,

Comes the third Sunday,

It’s a fun day.


He knows you,

Through and through.

He’s there by your side,

At every stride.



It’s time to appreciate;

It’s time to celebrate.

‘Cause fathers everywhere,

Pour their love and care.


Since 1973,

It’s been a decree,

To jump and celebrate

A Happy fathers’ day.


It’s time to appreciate;

It’s time to celebrate.

‘Cause fathers everywhere,

Pour their love and care.




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