
Fire Fighter – Rhymes on Profession

Firefighters are people who are trained to jump into any kind of rescue operation. It’s not just fires that they fight! Want to get a close and personal tour of a what a firefighter does throughout a day? This song is just for you!

I’m a firefighter of the fire brigade,

Of me fire is terribly afraid.

Just give me a call when a fire breaks out,

And I’ll put it outwithout a doubt!



I’m so heroic and so amazing.

I don’t just put out the fires blazing.

In any kind of critical situation,

I serve without hesitation!




I save birds and animals in trouble,

Earthquake victims trapped in rubble.

During floods and accidents too,

I come to your rescue!



In a fire-truck sounding the siren,

Through the traffic, breaking the silence,

With purpose in mind I find my way,

Be it night or day!




With special ladders, I climb great heights.

My special costume keeps me safe, alright.

I use an extinguisher and a hose,

In your house I feel sorry to poke my nose!




To prevent fires, I always aim.

To treat injuries, I am well trained.

Calmness, fitness and courage are my traits,


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