
Fruits – A Pulp Friction

We assume that our kids are born with taste buds that can sense only crispies and fries. We live in an age where we would much rather stock munchies that is quick, easy, and less messy than the ‘super-foods’ that we most often read about.

Are we projecting our own attitude towards healthy food on our kids? Ugh, pulp! Too seedy! Peeling the skin is a pain — classic symptoms of ‘pulp friction’. If that is where our ‘assumption’ comes from, we run the risk of passing it on to them. They are not buying what we’re selling, because we have shown no interest in our own juicy proposition.

The irony is that when the fruits come in the form of a sugar-loaded roll, candy, or taffy we are more than happy to pop it in. Time to learn to appreciate the real deal.

One new slice or spoon at a time. Pick any fruit that you have always resisted. Run experiments and find out what makes it palatable for you — a generous spoon of honey to some tart cranberry, or may be a pinch of salt to your banana, or a dash of lemon to a mellow melon?

It’s like your first beer. Acquired taste is a healthy thing in this context. It does more good to your liver too! It’s tonic. Keep having them in all forms you like. Remind yourself of all that you’ll gain.

If you’re allergic to the fruit, STEER AWAY from it. Forcing it on yourself can cause serious damages. The dangers range from temporary unconsciousness to sometimes even fatal. It is as bad as drinking alcohol with durian.

Earn more fans. Once you are convinced and are over your ‘pulp friction’.  You are all set for a campaign. You can win your kids’ love for fruits too… Introduce them to jams, jellies, compote, pies and all things homemade. Make up songs, and list out all that they will get. You will witness the magic.

To put in a nutshell, the key to greasing a ‘pulp friction’ with your children is to practice what you preach.

Fruit rhymes are favorite nursery rhymes for children. Here are some of our handpicked kids-rhyme collection in English which they will enjoy listening for hours – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkrRdh1YtY&t=

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