
The Growing Up Song in Ultra HD (4K)

Isn’t growing up an amazing thing? Have you ever taken a moment to look at yourself now and years ago when you were a baby? What has changed? You have grown. Here is a song that that tells you what these animals were before they became big.

Look at me, look at me now!

Look at me, look at me now!

Yesterday I was a baby,

but look at me look at me now.

I’m a big boy

and I can ride a bike.

Look at me, look at me now!


Look at me, look at me now!

Look at me, look at me now!

Yesterday I was a yelping puppy

but look at me look at me now.

I’m a big dog

and I can really growl.

Look at me, look at me now!


Look at me, look at me now!

look at me, look at me now!

Yesterday I was mewling kitten

but look at me look at me now.

I’m a fluffy cat

and I can really snarl.

Look at me, look at me now!


Look at me, look at me now!

look at me, look at me now!

Yesterday I was a tadpole.

but look at me look at me now.

I’m a speckled frog

and I can really croak.

Look at me, look at me now!

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