
Top 10 Lullabies

Bed time is crucial! Parents all over the world have their own rituals. Pat the baby to sleep, rock back and forth, drive all around, run up and down… The things we do! Whew! Here is a list of lullabies that might (just might) make things easy…

Goodnight Sleep Tight

Get into your most hypnotic singing voice and drill this into your little one’s head when it’s time to go to bed! Goodnight sleep tight, Don’t let the bed bugs bite!

Hush Little Baby

Hush Little Baby is one of the best classics. Fill your little one’s ears with these promises… It’s a great song to go to sleep to.

Rock-a-bye Baby

Soft and mellow, the rhythm of this song is bound to rock your baby to sleep. Rock-a-bye-baby works with even the crankiest bunch!

Lavender Blue

Melodic and dreamy, this is a song that would set your little one to fly across meadows and fields. Lavender Blue is a truly magical piece. Whisper sweet nothings into your child’s ears!

Cry Baby Cry

You’re little one is being a handful? Here is an age old lullaby that will gently lilt your baby to sleep. Cry Baby Cry is worth a try!

Sleep Baby Sleep

Get your baby in your arms and gently sing or play the song… You’ll witness the magic unfold! Sleep Baby Sleep is sure to work.

Dance To Your Daddy

A folk song that has the power to put your baby in bed. Sing it and you’ll be stunned by the results! Dance To Your Daddy is a great song.

Hush Baby My Dolly

Something you sing to your kid, and in turn you’ll see in their role-plays… Hush Baby My Dolly is quite charming!

Star Light, Star Bright

Make a wish! Make a wish! Gaze at the stars, and go to sleep with a good feeling! Star Light, Star Bright is one such song.

The Man in the Moon

The Man in the Moon has a pretty direct message. It’s his time to be out when it’s dark. Young children, the ones that still young enough to be sent to bed, of course need to know this! More than a lullaby, it’s a fun way to send your little one to bed.

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