
Top 20 Mother Bloggers in India

Mothers everywhere, they always have this innate need to share. Here are some cyber mothers who have extended this to online platforms and have shared their experiences, knowledge and more..

Rashmi Jaaju

Rashmi is the creator of mommy labs. She documents all of her trials, experiments and experiences with her daughter. She walks you through the challenging course of teaching young children. Takes a lot of creativity, especially when you have decided to home-school your little one. Your ‘lab’ could be your kitchen, a neighborhood park, a long-winding staircase or a shopping cart.

Anindita Mishra (McAfee Mom)

Anindita Mishra is a watchful mother. She has her eyes out for quality and safe content. When she finds a safe haven, she shares it with her tribe of cyber mommies in a heartbeat.

Phyllis Grant

Of all the toys and noisemakers guess what kids love playing with the most? Dishes and spoons. Kitchenism is something that we are all born with. Here is Phyllis, she knows exactly how to get her little ones to fall in love with food– even stuff that they are most averse to!

Natasha Badhwar

Natasha’s powerful narrative will leave you teary eyed at moments. Not because they are sad, but because they are that intense. Her posts are replete with insights.

Deanne Shoyer

Is your child autistic? Do you have any questions about what he or she might find interesting? Deanne Shoyer examines all the interactive games on ios apps and other platforms that out there. Keep your eyes open to know what she shares!

Aloka Gambhir

Aloka is a feisty mother who strongly believes in primal (evolutionary) lifestyle. She lets her little ones evolve at their own pace. Her posts are unique, and written exclusively for those who are inclined to adopt unconventional ways.

Stephanie McCratic

Stephanie is a blogger who has mastered the act of balancing things in the air– she’s an ace juggler. The day you become a parent is when you realize that your plans are always likely to change. There is so much to squeeze into the 24 hours that you have. The question is, how do you do it successfully? Stephanie has all the answers.


Looking for some quality content on raising extremely young children. Mom Junction is a venue just for you. Chethana pens down things you thought of, weren’t sure about before.

Carissa Kluver

There is one question that always lingers with umpteen choices of content that’s out there. You feel torn between buying the ones you grew up with versus perusing new ones that (who knows) perhaps more improved written for your children’s generation. Carissa sifts through them all, gives her reviews.

Sangeetha Menon

Bumps ‘n’ babies is where Sangeetha speaks. She dispels all apprehensions that mamas might have, about their child’s safety, and their ever-changing body. So all the mothers out there who have these questions haunting them, embrace these changes with grace!

Margaret Ables

This is a blog that would put a bright smile on your face. When you’re a parent, not a moment goes by where you’ve thought to yourself, ‘I’m gonna have a good laugh about this later.’ Guess what? Margaret is a parent who records all those snap-seconds that you look back and chuckle.

Deepti Gupta

Being a parent involves a lot of growing up– you grow up with your child. Deepti is generous in giving her insights on raising children.

Lori Cunningham

Too busy to learn anything new? Especially things that would make your life easy-breezy? What a vicious cirlcle! Lori has a bunch of tips that you can slip in during your jam-packed schedule. Learning is fun once again, and not a task!

Shruti Bhat

Here is Shruti. She describes herself ‘artsy craftsy’. She’s hands on, and she creates and helps children create magic with arts and crafts. Tap into the best years of your child’s life. The phase when they can let their imagination wild. This will definitely shape up the way they think as adults.

Leticia Barr

Education and technology go hand in hand. Ask, Leticia and she’ll tell you how crucial it is to step-up your game with the ever-changing and much-needed technology.


Here is a mommy who loves her little moppets! She has a page aimed at kindling awareness in nutrition, health, and overall growth of children. Hemapriya has both experiences of motherhood and medicine.

Umamaheshwari Anandane

Umamaheshwari is a mother who muses nonstop. She doesn’t stop with that she pens down all her thoughts. From tips on what bottle to pick for your toddler, to sharing the joy of raising a daughter, she covers a wide-range of motherhood topics.


You find your toddler nibbling on everything at sight. Ouch! Those razor sharp teeth! They can easily puncture you. Jaishree has a bag of tips that would ease you through this phase of parenting and more.

James Kicinski-McCoy

Here is a photographer who captures her life through her lens day in and day out. James’ blogs are highly visual. A picture is worth a thousand words is her philosophy.

Kiran Manral

Kiran writes on Karmickids on blogspot. She shares what she personally believes and practices as philosophy in raising children.

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