
We are Human (4K) – In Kinetic Typography

We Are Human no matter where we are located geographically. Your colour, language, food and your festivals largely differ. There is one very important thing that you binds you to others… You’re human! Listen to this song and sing along!

We are so different

but yet so alike

I am dark and you so light

I come from Delhi

and you from France

We sound so different

and so apart.

And yet I can say

I see in your eyes

you have a heart

that’s so like mine


East or West

dark or light

we both are human

by far and wide!


Your food is different

and strange for me

You speak French and I Hindi

See how I dress

on a party day

It’s strange for you and

not your way.

And yet I can say

I see in your eyes

you have feelings

so like mine.

East or West

Hindi or French

We both are human

far and wide!

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