
What Will I be When I Grow (4K) – In Kinetic Typography

What Will I Be When I Grow is a song about the question that we all have about ourselves? What do we become once we grow up? Someone special, for sure… What’s most important to remember? Listing to this song and you’ll know.

Hey Mama! Do you know,

What I am going to be

when I grow?!


Will I be a scientist,

Or an artist who paints.

Will I teach children or,

pilot a plane!


Aww… sweetheart! I really don’t know!

No one can say

what the future holds.


You might fly in the sky,

Or heal the sick.

You might teach little children,

Or be an artist.


But no matter what you be,

When you grow up

remember to be most of all.


A good person

with a kind heart!

Spreading cheer

and helping all.


A good person

with a kind heart.

Spreading cheer

And helping all.

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