
Multilingualism – Say Good Bye to Babel!

The world is shrinking. There are more common-grounds for people to meet. That’s the point of exchange. Exchange of arts, culture and most importantly language! Children should be a part of this exchange.

The list of world languages keeps growing every day. Virtual spaces, such as the internet too, have become broader and inclusive of other languages.

Communication is a crucial element in human interaction. It is just as important to learn other languages as it is to learn your mother tongue. You feel at home with a larger community. You are in a position to appreciate the beauty of different vernacular.

Linguistic pluralism is something that defines solidarity. Who knows, that is perhaps why Lord wanted people to speak different languages, spread all across the lands and seas, and get along despite their differences.

It is this openness and warmth that a child should have in a learning environment. The world is plural… so should your experiences be! This has become the order of the day! An article on the American Society of International Law journal shows that language forms the core of a cultural identity and is vital to preserve it. (Paz, 2013)

This is one of the reasons, there are 10 Indian languages in Appu Series’ catalogue. Diversity is crucial for learning. Appu Series staunchly believes in that.

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