
Aeroplane – Vehicle Rhyme

Airplanes or aeroplanes, as they’re known, are one of the most revolutionary inventions of ours. It has made the world a considerably small place, shrinking the distance between each coordinate. Thanks to Wright Brothers, our travel times are much shorter now!

High, high up in the sky,

I have wings, but am not a bird,

Everyone looks up, when I’m heard.

I’m the amazing aeroplane,

Also called a plane or airplane!


I fly over rivers and plains,

I am huge, but look small,

Like a toy plane from the mall,

But my windows, wings and tail,

Can be well-seen as I sail!


I can dive, and I can dip,

Come with me to float with the clouds,

Single or in a big crowd.

For business or a holiday,

You’re welcome aboard anyway!


In a hangar, I take rest,

At airports board me or alight,

Don’t let my size give you a fright.

Warm and friendly is my crew,

From my windows enjoy the view!


Passenger or Cargo planes,

To fly me high in the air,

Only the brave and bright can dare.

My pilot truly is my lord,

He sure deserves an award!

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