
Appu Series’ YouTube Journey and Experience

Our products were solely in the form of print and CDs, stacked away in stores and stockrooms all across India. We wanted to extend our content to a wider international market. That came true in 2010  when we decided to join YouTube. Our animated sequences gained viewership in the U.S, the U.K  and Canada. Our […]

Activities to keep kids occupied – Part II

For families where both parents are working, the lock down has been a blessing in disguise for the kids who actually get to see both parents all day long. Having said that, this transition may be difficult to handle initially as neither is used to being around the other all day long. But here are […]
Science: A Stream of Rationale

Science: A Stream of Rationale

Science is a school of thought. You discipline yourself to raise questions and answer them with utmost integrity. The best time to introduce is when a child is stoked by curiosity and is throbbing to learn… Learning the science of everything and anything has been the goal of many a thinkers for centuries. This does […]